You Need To Know...Talent vs. Practice
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YOU NEED TO KNOW… some good news and bad news about your retirement—and life--plans.
You want the bad news first, don’t you? Your retirement plan goals aren’t likely to be realized overnight. Worse yet, most of your big plans in life also aren’t going to materialize in a flash moment of brilliance. We know this, don’t we? But our actions don’t always show it. We agree that our goals aren’t likely to be met in an instant, but then we act as though the retirement or other life goal lottery is going to strike…. by over-weighting hot stocks picks or volatile mutual funds in our portfolios… Or maybe we work day-in-and-day-out expecting someone to change our life and move us to the penthouse corner office, or hand us that big break. So the bad news is that hope, desire – even talent – alone will not really get us anywhere in our long term planning. As Anders Ericsson, the world renowned expert on high performance in work, sports and life puts it “I have yet to find a talented person who didn’t earn their talent through hard work and thousands of hours of practice.”
So what’s the good news? Ericsson dubbed the term “deliberate practice” in describing the one key factor that virtually all successful plans have in common. That’s the reason that your buddy, who doesn’t have a lick of athletic ability, has a golf handicap in the single digits. That’s the reason that monthly investment plans virtually always end up positively surprising folks years down the road. But, when it comes to engaging in “deliberate practice” to better your retirement or financial independence plan, it requires that you HAVE a plan… then you have something to practice.
Talent, hope, passion and vision are all great things, but without employing them in habitual pursuits, they will accomplish very little. Conversely, you will surprise yourself in your retirement and other life plans if you simply dedicate yourself to a deliberate practice of your objectives… and that is something that YOU NEED TO KNOW.