If you think that a comprehensive analysis of your retirement plan readiness is complex enough to require more than 90 seconds—you’re right. Considerations of spending patterns, flexible withdrawal rates, increased healthcare costs, tax preference and investing style require a bit more time. But a Retirement Stress Test, to give you an indication of whether or not you’re in the ballpark? That we can handle in under 90 seconds. Take a look!
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Retirement STRESS Test, in 90 Seconds
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If you think that a comprehensive analysis of your retirement plan readiness is complex enough to require more than 90 seconds—you’re right. Considerations of spending patterns, flexible withdrawal rates, increased healthcare costs, tax preference and investing style require a bit more time. But a Retirement Stress Test, to give you an indication of whether or not you’re in the ballpark? That we can handle in under 90 seconds. Take a look!