Energized By Success, Depressed By Failure
Every year, we get a raft of marketing and motivational pitches to resolve to do something different or better in the New Year. Frankly, I don’t need to hear that again. (They’re probably just trying to sell me something anyway!)
Thankfully, my friend and co-author, Jim Stovall, one of the most highly sought after motivational speakers in the country, also isn’t comfortable with the same-old-same-old. Here’s a guest post from Jim to start the New Year off right, in which Jim actually tells us precisely how and when we should ditch a resolution altogether! Enjoy…
We are energized by success and depressed by failure. Something as simple as having a daily list of tasks that are all marked out at the end of the day gives us a sense of accomplishment. Having tasks that are not done, unresolved details, and looming commitments creates panic along with lack of focus and energy. We can feel this ebb and flow day-to-day as we go through the routines of our personal and professional lives. It’s harder to see the impact of these factors on a longer-term basis.
This time of year, you will be bombarded with countless advertisements and other messages encouraging you to make New Year’s resolutions. I’m not opposed to the concept of New Year’s resolutions, as I applaud anyone making a positive commitment at any time; however, I do want to caution you regarding unresolved resolutions.
If you find yourself being affected by the advertisements or myriad of messages telling you to make another New Year’s resolution this year, please be careful to not repeat the same resolution you’ve made for two years, five years, or even a decade or more. This ongoing cycle of commitment and failure can be damaging to you. Either you don’t take the commitment seriously, which impacts other commitments you make throughout the year, or you begin to see yourself as an ongoing failure.
If you’re going to make a New Year’s resolution that you have made before, at least resolve this year that you are going to succeed or quit making the same resolution in the same way you have in the past. A New Year’s resolution or any commitment you make to undertake a change in your life must belong to you, be realistic, and come with adequate rewards.
Too many people make a resolution because their spouse, boss, or friend thinks they should. You cannot achieve success and maintain it if the goal belongs to someone else. It is impossible to reach a goal that is not realistic in your own mind. If the task seems too daunting, break it down into manageable parts and resolve to master the first hurdle. Finally, whatever change you resolve to make must be worth whatever you give up to achieve and maintain the success you seek. Any goal commands a price, and unless you’re prepared to pay the price to reach the top and keep paying the price to stay there, you would be better off to save your time, effort, energy, and talent to reach a goal that is worth the price it will require.
As you go through your day today and through this new year, resolve to make changes that matter to you, and join me in a New Year’s resolution to quit making resolutions that don’t matter to you and aren’t worth the price they require.
Today's the Day!
Jim Stovall
Author, Ultimate Productivity